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Which casting reel for the sea?

moulinet casting

Depending on the environment in which you plan to go fishing, it will be preferable to choose specific equipment. In the case of sea fishing, the fish will often meet quite specific criteria. The environment itself will affect the way the fishing is done.

Details of sea fishing

It is interesting to go to sea to fish, because it is possible to find beautiful varieties of fish. These will also be potentially larger, as their environment makes it possible for them to develop well. Fishing in this environment can be done by boat or from the shore.

In the case of fishing from the ocean shore, it is essential to be able to cast the line more than 20m if you want to catch fish. Otherwise, there is a risk of not getting a good catch. Therefore, in order to fish properly in these conditions, we will mainly turn to big bait casting reels.

The big bait casting reel

This is the type of fishing tackle that will be used to cast large baits over long distances. The use of big baits is often a necessity for sea fishing, where the fish are mostly going to be quite large.

A big bait casting reel is therefore your best choice for this specific practice. This is because you will have a better chance of casting at a close enough distance to the big fish. Then, when it comes to getting them to come back, you won’t have much trouble.

Essential conditions for the reel

In order for a big bait casting reel to serve your purpose in fishing, it must meet a number of requirements. For example, the reel must be able to provide you with the right amount of line. You should also not overfill the spool, as this can cause friction when casting.

Sea fishing requires a certain amount of skill, and elements such as the crank and drag must be in good working order. You will have to use them on more than one occasion, and you must learn to manage the timing.

Choosing the right reel for the right fish

While the general criteria for a good big bait casting reel are the same, some nuances will take place depending on the type of fish. The environment will also have an impact on the choice of equipment. For deep sea fishing, you should favour a reel that is wide, can hold a lot of line, and has a low ratio. If you are approaching the shoreline, and it is rocky and impractical, the reel requirements are almost the opposite of that. It is up to you to decide which alternative is most suitable for your situation.

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